(41) Takao Ohno and Tetsu Shimomura
Trudinger's inequality and continuity for Riesz potentials of functions in grand Musielak-Orlicz-Morrey spaces over non-doubling metric measure spaces,
to appear in Kyoto J. Math. (PDF )

(40) Sachihiro Kanemori, Takao Ohno and Tetsu Shimomura   
Exponential integrability for logarithmic potentials of functions in generalized Lebesgue spaces $L(\log L)^{q(\cdot)}$ over non-doubling measure spaces,
to appear in Taiwanese J. M.(PDF )

(39) Fumi-Yuki Maeda, Yoshihiro Mizuta, Takao Ohno and Tetsu Shimomura
Sobolev and Trudinger type inequalities on grand Musielak-Orlicz-Morrey spaces,
Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math.  40  (2015),  no. 1, 403--426. (PDF)

(38) Yoshihiro Mizuta and Takao Ohno 
Herz-Morrey spaces of variable exponent, Riesz potential operator and duality,
Complex Var. Elliptic Equ. 60 (2015), no. 2, 211--240. (PDF )

(37) Yoshihiro Mizuta, Takao Ohno and Tetsu Shimomura  
Boundedness of maximal operators and Sobolev's theorem for non-homogeneous central Morrey spaces of variable exponent,
Hokkaido Math. J. 44 (2015), 185--201. (PDF )

(36) Takao Ohno and Tetsu Shimomura
Musielak-Orlicz-Sobolev spaces on metric measure spaces,
Czech. Math. J. 65 (2015), no. 2, 435--474.(PDF )

(35) Yoshihiro Mizuta and Takao Ohno
Sobolev's inequality for Riesz potentials in Lorentz spaces of variable exponent,
J. Math. Soc. Japan. 67 (2015), no. 2, 1--20. (PDF )

(34) Toshihide Futamura, Takao Ohno and Tetsu Shimomura  
Boundary limits of monotone Sobolev functions with variable exponent on uniform domains in a metric space,
Rev. Mat. Complut. 28 (2015), no. 1, 31--48. (PDF )

(33) Toshihide Futamura, Yoshihiro Mizuta and Takao Ohno 
Spherical means of super-polyharmonic functions in the unit ball,
Hiroshima Math. J. 44 (2014), no. 2, 235--245.(PDF )

(32) Fumi-Yuki Maeda, Yoshihiro Mizuta, Takao Ohno  and Tetsu Shimomura
Hardy's inequality in Musielak-Orlicz-Sobolev spaces,
Hiroshima Math. J. 44 (2014), no. 2, 139--155. (PDF )

(31) Takao Ohno and Tetsu Shimomura
Sobolev embeddings for Riesz potentials of functions in grand Morrey spaces of variable exponents over non-doubling measure spaces,
Czech. Math. J. 64 (2014), no. 1, 209--228. (PDF )

(30) Yoshihiro Mizuta and Takao Ohno 
Trudinger's exponential integrability for Riesz potentials of functions in generalized grand Morrey spaces,
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 420 (2014), no. 1, 268--278. (PDF )

(29) Takao Ohno and Tetsu Shimomura
Trudinger's inequality and continuity for Riesz potentials of functions in Musielak-Orlicz-Morrey spaces on metric measure spaces,
Nonlinear Anal.  106 (2014), 1--17. (PDF )

(28) Toshihide Futamura, Yoshihiro Mizuta and  Takao Ohno
Riesz decomposition for super-polyharmonic functions in the punctured unit ball,
Studia Sci. Math. Hungarica. 51 (2014), 1--16. (PDF )

(27) Yoshihiro Mizuta and Takao Ohno 
Sobolev's theorem and duality for Herz-Morrey spaces of variable exponent,
Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math. 39 (2014), 389--416. (PDF )

(26) Takao Ohno and Tetsu Shimomura
Trudinger's inequality for Riesz potentialsof functions in Musielak-Orlicz spaces,
Bull. Sci. Math. 138 (2014), 225--235. (PDF )

(25) Fumi-Yuki Maeda, Yoshihiro Mizuta, Takao Ohno and Tetsu Shimomura
Approximate identities and Young type inequalities in Musielak-Orlicz spaces,
Czech. Math. J. 63 , no. 4 (2013), 933--948. (PDF )

(24) Toshihide Futamura, Yoshihiro Mizuta and Takao Ohno 
Sobolev's theorem for Riesz potentials of functions in grand Morrey spaces of variable exponent,
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Banach and Function Spaces IV, 353--365.(PDF )

(23) Yoshihiro Mizuta and  Takao Ohno
Sobolev's inequality for Riesz potentials in central Lorentz-Morrey spaces of variable exponent,
RIMS Kokyuroku Bessatsu. B43 (2013), 101--120. (PDF )

(22) Fumi-Yuki Maeda, Yoshihiro Mizuta, Takao Ohno and Tetsu Shimomura
Mean continuity for potentials of functions in Musielak-Orlicz spaces,
RIMS Kokyuroku Bessatsu. B43 (2013), 81--100. (PDF )

(21) Fumi-Yuki Maeda, Yoshihiro Mizuta, Takao Ohno and Tetsu Shimomura
Trudinger's inequality and continuity of potentials on Musielak-Orlicz-Morrey spaces,
Potential Anal. 38 (2013), 515--535.(PDF)

(20) Fumi-Yuki Maeda, Yoshihiro Mizuta, Takao Ohno and Tetsu Shimomura
Boundedness of maximal operators and Sobolev's inequality on Musielak-Orlicz-Morrey spaces,
Bull. Sci. Math. 137 (2013), 76--96.(PDF )

(19) Yoshihiro Mizuta and Takao Ohno
Orlicz capacity of balls,
Centre de Recherches Mathematiques, CRM Proceedings and Lecture Notes, 55 2012. (PDF)

(18) Yoshihiro Mizuta, Eiichi Nakai, Takao Ohno and Tetsu Shimomura,
Maximal functions, Riesz potentials and Sobolev embeddings on Musielak-Orlicz-Morrey spaces of variable exponent in $\R^n$,
Rev. Mat. Complut. 25 (2012), no. 2, 413--434. (PDF )

(17) Toshihide Futamura, Yoshihiro Mizuta, Takao Ohno and Tetsu Shimomura,
Orlicz-Sobolev capacity of balls,
Illinois J. Math. 55 (2011), no. 2, 543--553 (PDF )

(16) Fumi-Yuki Maeda, Yoshihiro Mizuta, Takao Ohno and Tetsu Shimomura,
Capacity for potentials of functions in Musielak-Orlicz spaces,
Nonlinear Anal. 74 (2011), no. 17, 6231--6243. (PDF)

(15) Yoshihiro Mizuta, Eiichi Nakai, Takao Ohno and Tetsu Shimomura,
Riesz potentials and Sobolev embeddings on Morrey spaces of variable exponent,
Complex Var. Elliptic Equ. 56 (2011), 671--695. (PDF )

(14) Yoshihiro Mizuta, Eiichi Nakai, Takao Ohno and Tetsu Shimomura,
Sobolev's inequality for Riesz potentials in Orlicz-Musielak spaces of variable exponent,
Banach and function spaces, 409--419, Yokohama Publ., Yokohama, 2011.(PDF )

(13) Yoshihiro Mizuta, Eiichi Nakai, Takao Ohno and Tetsu Shimomura,
Hardy's inequality in variable exponent Orlicz spaces,
Hokkaido Math. J. 40 (2011), 187--203.(PDF )

(12) Yoshihiro Mizuta, Takao Ohno and Tetsu Shimomura,
Weighted Orlicz-Riesz capacity of balls,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 138 (2010), no. 12, 4291--4302. (PDF )

(11) Fumi-Yuki Maeda, Yoshihiro Mizuta and Takao Ohno,
Approximate identities and Young type inequalities in variable Lebesgue-Orlicz spaces $L^{p(\cdot)}(\log L)^{q(\cdot)}$,
Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math. 35, (2010), 405--420.   (PDF )

(10) Yoshihiro Mizuta, Takao Ohno and Tetsu Shimomura,
Sobolev embeddings for Riesz potential spaces of variable exponents near $1$ and  Sobolev's exponent,
Bull. Sci. Math. 134 (2010), no. 1, 12--36. (PDF )

(9) Yoshihiro Mizuta, Takao Ohno, Tetsu Shimomura and Naoki Shioji,
Compact embeddings for Sobolev spaces of variable exponents and existence of solutions for nonlinear elliptic problems involving the $\mathbf{p(x)}$-Laplacian and its critical exponent,
Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math. 35 (2010), 115--130. (PDF )

(8) Peter H\"{a}st\"{o}, Yoshihiro Mizuta, Takao Ohno and Tetsu Shimomura,
Sobolev inequalities for Orlicz spaces of two variable exponents,
Glasg. Math. J. 52 (2010), 227--240. (PDF )

(7)  Yoshihiro Mizuta, Eiichi Nakai, Takao Ohno and Tetsu Shimomura,
Boundedness of fractional integral operators on Morrey spaces and Sobolev embeddings for generalized Riesz potentials,
J. Math. Soc. Japan. 62 (2010), no. 3, 707--744. (PDF )

i6j Yoshihiro Mizuta, Takao Ohno and Tetsu Shimomura,
Integrability of maximal functions for generalized Lebesgue spaces $L^{p(\cdot)}(\log L)^{q(\cdot)}$,
Potential theory and stochastics in Albac, 193--202, Theta Ser. Adv. Math., 11, Theta, Bucharest, 2009. (PDF)

(5) Takao Ohno,
Compact embeddings in the generalized Sobolev space $W_{0}^{1,p(\cdot)}(G)$ and existence of solutions for nonlinear elliptic problems,
Nonlinear Anal. 71 (2009), 1534--1541. (PDF )

(4) Yoshihiro Mizuta, Eiichi Nakai, Takao Ohno and Tetsu Shimomura,
An elementary proof of Sobolev embeddings for Riesz potentials of functions in  Morrey spaces $L^{1,\nu,\beta}(G)$,
Hiroshima Math. J. 38 (2008), 461--472. (PDF )

(3) Takao Ohno
Continuity properties for logarithmic potentials of functions in Morrey spaces of variable exponent,
Hiroshima Math. J. 38 (2008), 363--383. (PDF )

(2) Yoshihiro Mizuta, Takao Ohno and Tetsu Shimomura,
Sobolev's inequalities and vanishing integrability for Rieszpotentials of functions in generalized Lebesgue spaces $L^{p(\cdot)}(\log L)^{q(\cdot)}$,
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 345 (2008), 70--85. (PDF )

(1) Yoshihiro Mizuta, Takao Ohno and Tetsu Shimomura,
Integrability of maximal functions for generalized Lebesgue spaces with variable exponent,
Math. Nachr.  281 (2008), no. 3, 386--395. (PDF )